1679 supported journalists match your criteria. View map

Hans Gerard Moleman

Hans Gerard Moleman worked as a foreign correspondent for Dutch and Belgian media in Africa and Asia from 1997 till 2012.

Hans Nicholas Jong

Hans Nicholas Jong is a staff writer at the environmental news site Mongabay.

Hans van Scharen

Hans van Scharen is researcher and campaigner at Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO).

Hans van Scharen

Harry Gruyaert

Harry Gruyaert is a Belgian photographer.

Harry Karanikas

Harry Karanikas is an investigative reporter in print and digital media and a producer of various investigative broadcasts on Greek TV.

Harun Dinarević

Harun Dinarević is a freelance journalist living in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Harun Dinarević

Hazel Sheffield

Hazel Sheffield is a freelance investigative journalist based in the UK. 

Hazel Sheffield

Hee Seok Park

Hee Seok Park is an investigative reporter for The Monthly Chosun, Korea’s leading investigating news media. 

Hein Van den Brempt

Co,nceived in the war (1944), born after the war (01-07-1945). Wandered around, together with his twin brother Toon, from 1947 to 1958, with his mother and his parents, in Antwerp, Brasschaat, Borgerhout and Deurne.

Heinrich Bohmke

Heinrich Bohmke is ANCIR's investigator, trainer and prosecutorial editor based in South Africa.

Heleen Debeuckelaere

Heleen Debeuckelaere is a historian, writer and organizer based in Brussels.

Helena Bengtsson

Helena Bengtsson is data journalism editor at Gota Media (Sweden).

Helena Bengtsson

Helena Cazaerck

Helena Cazaerck is a freelance reporter for De Standaard, Knack, Mo* and international media such as The Slovak Spectator. She works from Belgium, Denmark, Ukraine, Russia and Slovakia.

Helena Cazaerck

Helena Wittlich

Helena is interested in digging deep into all kinds of datasets to find the relevant story.

Helena Wittlich/ Tagesspiegel / Nassim Rad

Helene Bienvenu

Helene Bienvenu is a Hungarian multilingual (photo)journalist.

Hélène Christelle Munganyende

Hélène Christelle Munganyende is schrijfster en journaliste. 

Hélène Molinari

Hélène Molinari is a freelance journalist. She started her career in Belgium in 2012.

Hellen Kooijman

 Hellen Kooijman is a Dutch freelance journalist.

Hendrik Lehmann

Hendrik Lehmann (German) is the head of the Tagesspiegel Innovation Lab.

Hendrik Lehmann

Hester den Boer

Hester den Boer is an independent investigative journalist and photographer. 

Hilde Baele

Hilde Baele (1967) works as a media training coordinator and teacher for Deutsche Welle Akademie within a project with young people.

HIlde De Windt

Hilde De Windt is a Belgian journalist and photographer.

Hilma Unkic

Hilma Unkic is a freelance journalist from Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Hilma Unkic

Holly Young

Holly Young is a Scottish investigative journalist focusing on the environment, human rights and migration.

Holly Young

Hristio Boytchev

Hristio Boytchev is an investigative health journalist from Germany. 

Hristio Boytchev

Hrvoje Perica

Hrvoje Perica is a journalist for Oštro, Croatia. 

Hrvoje Perica

Hui Ning

Lulu, Ning Hui is a senior international news journalist for The Initium Media.

Huib de Zeeuw

Huib de Zeeuw (1984) is a Dutch freelance investigative journalist, specialising in energy and the Middle East.

Hylkje Kroon

Hylkje Kroon is a freelance editor and journalist, with a focus on climate change and ocean conservation.

Hylkje Kroon

Hyury Potter

Hyury Potter is an investigative reporter based in Brazil, currently working with Repórter Brasil newsroom.

Hyury Potter