
BRUSSELS - Journalismfund Europe provides support for its grantees to present their investigation and share their experience and knowledge with colleagues at conferences, trainings, webinars or other journalistic events.

Who is eligible?
Grantees of the European Cross-Border Grant programme (ECB), The European Local Cross-border Grants programme (CBLocal) and Earth Investigations Grant programme (Earth) who already published their investigation with our support, and who have been invited to present their project at a conference, training session or another event.

You can receive one scholarship per team per event, i.e. if more team members wish to attend, you need to find another way to cover the costs.

Up to €1,250 (when you received an Earth grant) or €1,000 (for ECB and CBLocal grantees) is available to cover registration fees, hotel and travel expenses. Food and drinks are not included. The costs will be refunded after we have received proof of expenses, photos from the event and a narrative report about the event. 

How to apply?
Please send your proposal mentioning the date, name and place of the event, as well as expected costs, via email to the project coordinators or to info [at] journalismfund.eu (info[at]journalismfund[dot]eu)

Proposals are reviewed on a rolling basis. Applicants will receive a decision within two weeks upon receipt of the proposal. 

Do not forget to have a look at the agenda for upcoming conferences and seminars.

Scholarships for Journalismfund grantees

Modern Slavery Unveiled In-person training in Manila


MANILA - Journalismfund.eu’s in-person Modern Slavery Unveiled training took place in Manila from the 21 to 25 November, 2022. Journalism for Nation Building Foundation (JNBF) and Rappler were the local organisers of the 5-day training for Southeast Asian journalists and civil society organisations on modern slavery reportage.

Amended Money Trail guidelines for a larger number of investigations


BRUSSELS - We have amended Money Trail application guidelines in order to increase the number of investigations. Do you want to investigate cross-border illicit financial flows, tax abuse, money laundering and corruption? Here's your chance! The next deadline is 25 March. 

Thomson Foundation

Online training tools in Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian-Montenegrian (BCSM)


Journalismfund.eu's Earth Programme supported a project implemented by the Thomson Foundation. That provides online training tools in Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian-Montenegrian (BCSM). It wil enable investigative journalists to upskill with regards to reporting on environmental issues.