A cross-border team of reporters, editors and producers, Investigate Europe delivers in-depth investigative journalism from a changing Europe.
Our reporting shines a light on the untold stories, unchecked institutions and hidden structures shaping the continent today. Together, we connect the dots on Europe.
Our multilingual team investigates issues that resonate beyond national borders and from boardrooms in Brussels to the streets of Berlin and Budapest. We then publish our findings with national media partners and through our own channels.
From exposing corporate greed and the crises in Europe’s care homes, and naming and shaming the EU states selling arms to Russia, to revealing the struggles faced by child migrants arriving in Europe, our stories call out the actors responsible and hold the powerful to account.
Investigate Europe launched in 2016 with the aim of addressing the absence of cohesive, nuanced storytelling on European-wide issues. As of July 2023, we are a 20-plus strong team based across 12 European countries.