The Environmental Investigative Forum (EIF) is a global non-profit organisation registered in France. Our project expands in three main areas of activity: networking, reporting and developing our own environmental journalism resources and services.
EIF comprises an informal network of experts and investigative journalists. Its aim is to create an online space to foster new environmental reporting collaborations. The network members cover a wide range of topics and competences ranging from artificial intelligence and satellite imagery analysis to fossil fuel exploitation, water privatization or illegal wood logging.
EIF supports its members in finding funding opportunities for their investigations, scientific and journalistic expertise.
EIF also aims to develop innovative initiatives based on its networks expertise and past achievements. they are seeking funding to develop their own environmental monitoring tools, investigative projects and training programmes. They are always on the look for partnership opportunities with external organisations, newsrooms or individual researcher and freelancers. EIF’s team also provides consultancy services to external organisations or individuals upon request.