
PARIS - WAMM is an open source, GIS, web application that allows journalists and civil society to analyse and investigate West Africa's mining industries as a whole, and not on a country by country basis.

About the project

WAMM is an open source, GIS, web application that allows journalists and civil society to analyse and investigate West Africa's mining industries as a whole, and not on a country by country basis. The project compiles cross national data of all mining licences with geographic data concerning sensitive ecosystems and inhabited areas. This allows users to search, filter and export their findings and efficiently analyse: Conflicts between mining and environmentally sensitive or inhabited areas. Licence ownership, over time and across the West African Region. Filter mining activity by region, mineral, owner/company, time/date, etc. The tool will make the cross regional mining sector and its actors more transparent and allow users to flag potentially harmful or illegitimate mining activity.



The Environmental Investigative Forum (EIF) is a global non-profit registered in France and specialized in environmental investigative reporting.

 Environmental Investigative Forum - EIF
€12.000 granted dd. 04/04/2022


Coming soon

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