
The four-part series SPUL investigates what doping use does to an athlete. Instead of judging or condemning - which is usually the case - SPUL goes in search of what happens to people when they start doping.

SPUL investigates whether athletes change through the use of doping, not only physically but also mentally. And how they live with a secret that you cannot share in principle, but in practice is often a public secret. Away from the fiercely mediatised hysteria that usually accompanies doping revelations, Spul quietly takes the time for athletes from very different sports: they tell in plain detail and in detail what prohibited stimulants have meant in their lives. That has probably never happened. Usually there is deafening silence after a positive check. Or there is a non-sincere acknowledgment of debt.

Team members

Jan Antonissen

Jan Antonissen (1964) is a Belgian freelance journalist.

€ 10.000 allocated on 12/12/2014.


SPUL, Belgian national broadcaster VRT/Canvas (in Dutch).

  • 'Over de grens', 8/12/2015.
  • 'De bubbel barst', 15/12/2015.
  • 'Excessen', 22/12/2015.
  • 'Het circus van list en bedrog', 29/12/2015.

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