
PARIS - French journalist Prune Antoine has been awarded the Prix Louise Weiss for European Journalism for her story on organ trafficking in Kosovo, supported by Journalismfund.eu. The prize is awarded every year to French-speaking, European journalists.

Antoine received the prize in the category 'Décryptage', which focuses on investigations, portraits, interviews and dossiers. Her Journalismfund.eu-supported story on organ trafficking in Kosovo, for which she won the award, was published in 12 chapters on CafeBabel.fr under the title 'Cadavre exquis au pays des merles noirs'. It was also published as a long-read on Creativist. It deals with the alleged trafficking of organs from Serbian prisoners organised by Kosovo guerilla fighters at the beginning of the new millennium.

The Prix Louise Weiss was launched in 2005 in memory of journalist Louise Weiss. The aim of the award is to encourage journalists to treat European topics in a more systematic, pedagogical and original way. Prune Antoine had already won the Prix Louise Weiss once before in the category 'Junior', in 2010.

All our supported stories that have received awards in the past can be found here.

October 2013 grants approved for seven projects


BRUSSELS – After a particularly difficult screening the jury of the Journalismfund.eu cross-border grant programme has come to a decision on the applications received for the October 2013 application round. Seven out of a total of 53 applications will receive a grant.

Jury member goes public: Hans-Martin Tillack


BRUSSELS - German investigative journalist Hans-Martin Tillack has been a member of Journalismfund.eu’s cross-border jury for the past four years. At Journalismfund.eu’s jury event on 3 December 2013 in Brussels, Tillack will officially announce his retirement from the jury.

Call for proposals with new options


BRUSSELS – Journalismfund.eu now can distribute another round of research grants. If journalists have a good idea for an investigative story but lack time or money to carry out the research, they can apply for funding. As a new option this call not only offers support for cross-border stories but also for European affairs stories.