Thomson Media gGmbH is a non-profit organisation based in Berlin, Germany devoted to truthful and unbiased journalism as a way of promoting civil society and fostering.

A balanced public discourse. It is the German partner of the Thomson Foundation, the longest established media development organisation in the world. The foundation has a 60-year track record of training journalists, media professionals and media organisations on a range of thematic areas and technical skills in more than 50 countries. It is independent and non-political.

Thomson Media gGmbH

Basic information

Thomson Media gGmbH

Supported projects

Sources, Security, and Storytelling: online course series for investigative journalists reporting on climate change in the Western Balkans

  • Environment

WESTERN BALKANS - This project is providing online training tools in Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian-Montenegrian (BCSM) which will enable investigative journalists to upskill with regards to reporting on environmental issues.