Rachel Reeves is a writer and journalist whose work has appeared in such publications as Pacific Standard Magazine, Honolulu Civil Beat, and The Diplomat.

Rachel grew up in California and after finishing school moved to Rarotonga, where her father grew up and his family lives. Rachel wrote a book, Mātini: The Story of Cyclone Martin, about the impact of waves taller than coconut trees on the people of a tiny sea-level atoll in the Cook Islands. She also co-founded a publishing project called Lokal Magazine, which celebrates the Indigenous wisdom of the Cook Islands. She has a master’s degree in creative writing and works as a reporter, copywriter, researcher, editor, and teacher.

Rachel Reeves

Basic information

Rachel Reeves
Cook Islands

Supported projects

Cook Islands determined to start deep sea mining

  • Environment
  • Exploitation
  • Industry

AVARUA - In a remote corner of the Pacific, a Polynesian micro-state is preparing for an industrial plunge into the deep sea. The Cook Islands want to extract billions of metal nodules that are lying there.