Martin Pushevski is the Editor of Evening News at Macedonian Radio Television, moderator/editor of debate shows.

Graduated journalist with 15 years of experience in working in TV and other electronic media. Martin collaborated on project and research stories for the platforms of the Institute of Communication Studies Skopje, “Samo Prashaj” and “DOMA”, he is a mentor and training manager on the journalism basics and disinformation via the Institute of Communication Studies.

He began his career as a reporter for the economic desk at Kanal 5+, transferring to MRT in 2009 as a reporter at first but then as a news anchor and Editor of the evening news and various programmes. Received accolades for his dedication from MRT and the Association of Journalists of Macedonia for investigative journalism.

Martin Pushevski

Basic information

Martin Pushevski
TV Reporter, Anchor, Editor
North Macedonia

Supported projects

Balkan security in the light of global warming

  • Environment
  • Security

SKOPJE/SARAJEVO – Five journalists from four Balkan countries have worked on the joint theme of climate security risks in the Balkan region

Saving Life Resources in Western Balkans in the Wake of the Climate Meltdown

  • Environment

BELGRADE / SKOPJE / SARAJEVO - Although Western Balkan countries keep reiterating their commitment to the green agenda and transition on their path to the EU membership, they still lag behind their EU neighbours in preserving our main resources like water, air and soil.