Jurgita Naglienė is a journalist with 15 years of experience residing in Lithuania.

Her writing primarily focuses on topics related to self-governance, social issues and the environment. She serves as both a journalist and the editor-in-chief at the newspaper ‘Žemaitis’, distributed in Plungė and Rietavas. Additionally, she is the founder of the website www.gyvenuplungeje.lt, dedicated to her hometown, Plungė, and its residents. Jurgita is one of the founders and a member of the Local Community Journalists Network.

Basic information

Jurgita Naglienė

Supported projects

The Map of Local Community Issues

  • Journalism & Media

KAUNAS / PLUNGĖ / JURBARKAS - We are building a map of local community issues dedicated to the communities of Kaunas, Jurbarkas, Plungė, and Neringa municipalities in Lithuania. This tool will encourage greater collaboration between local communities and policymakers, enabling journalists to become more involved in addressing the issues faced by residents.