Benjamin Nordtømme is currently pursuing an MPhil in Economics at the University of Oslo (UiO).

On academic hiatus for an MA degree in Society, Science and Technology in Europe - with an exchange semester at the Alpen-Adria-Universität in Klagenfurt, Austria. Finished a BSc in International.

Relations at the UiO - with an exchange semester at Sciences Po Paris, in the spring of 2021.
Shot, edited and produced a documentary in the city of Sloviansk in Eastern Ukraine in the summer of 2021. Keen interest in languages, music and democracy.

Native in Norwegian, fluent in English and French, he also speaks some German, some Yiddish, some Ukrainian, some Russian, and rudimentary Hebrew.

Benjamin Nordtømme

Basic information

Benjamin Nordtømme
Freelance Journalist

Supported projects

A 'Degree' of Sacrifices

  • Education
  • Exploitation

COPENHAGEN/GOTHENBURG/OSLO - Winter is cold in Scandinavia, even more so if you come from afar and are used to warmer climates, as for many international students who choose to defy the low temperatures and buckle up to study up north.

Alexander Maxia