88 Applications for the Local Media for Democracy grant programme


BRUSSELS - For the first round of applications for the Local Media for Democracy grant programme, Journalism Europe received 88 applications from 20 different EU countries. 

The 4 Modern Slavery jury members go public


BRUSSELS - Today Journalismfund Europe reveals the four jury members of its Modern Slavery Unveiled grant programme: Chay Hofileña (Philippines), Edouard Perrin (France), Kieran Guilbert (United Kingdom) and Sherry Lee (Taiwan) are outstanding personalities with an impressive track record in collaborative investigative journalism.

US: Ireland is failing to convict traffickers or support their victims


WASHINGTON DC - Ireland has not convicted any traffickers in the last year, the US State Department has found. This report cited the investigation "Hands on Deck" supported by the Modern Slavery Unveiled grant programme. 

Journalismfund Europe

25th Year Anniversary of Journalismfund Europe


Are you worried about democracy? So are we.

That's why we support investigative reporting for 25 years.

Bringing tools for investigations


LUXEMBOURG - The world’s steel leader ArcelorMittal has exceeded several pollution limits authorized by European, Italian and French law for a decade. Meanwhile, the company headquartered in Luxembourg has received billions euros of public funds and indirect subsidies.  

SSE Riga

International Training Programme Concludes in Riga


RIGA - On April 27-28, 2023, media trainings in Riga ended on a positive note after the final project presentations and graduation ceremony.

Apply now for Local Media for Democracy grant!


BRUSSELS - The new grant programme Local Media for Democracy is launched today; a pilot media funding scheme that will inject €1.200.000 financial support to local, regional and community media who are struggling to serve the public interest in the so-called “news deserts” areas in Europe. 

Luc Tayart de Borms & Alia Papageorgiou

General Assembly appointed 2 new directors


BRUSSELS - On 7 March, Journalismfund's General Assembly held its annual meeting. Among a variety of other matters, two new directors were appointed.

Journalismfund.eu has changed its name


BRUSSELS - Yesterday, the General Assembly of Journalismfund.eu vzw decided to change the name of the organisation.