
RONSE - Is the voice of the children still heard? For some time now, there has been no real motivation to invest in youth. That results in a salvo of cries for help from youth councils and youth movements. Robbe Vandegehuchte investigates in Knack the local youth infrastructure through various cases in Ronse.

In Ronse, three youth movements will soon be out on the street. No new youth centre will be built on the site of the old swimming pool. And the creative place that the youths built themselves will soon be demolished. Is the situation in 'Petit Bruxelles' representative for Flemish youth policy?

Photo: ©Robbe Vandegehuchte

Team members

Robbe Vandegehuchte

Robbe Vandegehuchte is a Belgian documentary producer and journalist.

€ 950 allocated on 23/11/2020.

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