
SENEGAL - In Senegal, 63 percent of the population is 25 years or younger. Every year that group gets bigger. Almost all of these young people want to go to Europe. They know the stories about the hellish journey through the desert, the assaults in Libya and the chance to drown in the Mediterranean. But that doesn't stop them. 

What drives this young people and what do they hope to find in Europe? What answer can Europe and Senegal offer to this migration flow? And are there perhaps Senegalese who do want to stay in their own country? Journalist Janine Meijer and photographer Isabel Corthier traveled for two weeks in Senegal, talking to dozens of young people, the elderly, development workers and migration experts.


Team members

Janine Meijer

Janine Meijer (°1974) is a Dutch freelance journalist. 

€ 6.500 allocated on 19/09/2017.

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