
There is a vast global and growing demand for webcam child sex. Every hour at least 750,000 pedophiles and other sex predators are cyber hunting minors. Investigative journalist Pierre Vandenbrugghe (alias) descends into this vastly expanding, new branch of cyber pornography in the Philippines.

Vandenbrugghe tracks down clients, traffickers and their victims in the Philippines, the prime location of Webcam Child Sex Tourism (WCST). He goes undercover in large-scale operated dens and bars in Metro Manila and the province. He gathers customer data and tracks down networks to understand the complex socio-economic and political background of this phenomenon. Gradually, the quest becomes a descent into hell.

(Photo © Taehyun Kim)

Team members

Alexander Herford

Alexander Herford (alias) is journalist and worked for diverse news media.

A working grant of €8,000 allocated on 7/10/2015.

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