Since the late 1990s, the European Union has worked to encourage a European security market, where major defence and technology companies develop products and services that better protect us from crime and terrorism. This industry should also create jobs and be globally competitive. Over the past year, more than twenty journalists in eleven European countries investigated this burgeoning sector. And they discovered there’s a lot wrong with the European security market.
Through a series of articles, the journalists bring you up to speed on the dominant thinking among the EU policymakers and industry big shots who’ve asserted themselves as “managers of unease,” on the lobbies representing major defence companies, on the billions spent on security research, and on the many ethical issues surrounding this market.
The investigation is multi-faceted and will result in dozens of articles and three documentaries, which will be published from February 22nd onwards over the course of a couple of months. These articles will all be collected in the form of a crash course on this website:
Superfortress Europe
The project kicks off with a broadcast by VPRO Tegenlicht and an article by De Correspondent in the Netherlands. The budget Brussels makes available for European border protection has increased by billions in the past few years. The reason: terrorism and the growing numbers of refugees. New surveillance technology is a growth market that is literally gaining ground because of all the deals Brussels is making with so-called third countries. After the Turkey Deal, agreements are now also being made with countries such as Niger and Sudan, and, if current EU president Malta has anything to say about it, with Libya too, as soon as possible. Money, knowledge and technology in exchange for shifting Europe’s borders. In this documentary called Superfortress Europe, VPRO Tegenlicht visits Niger and asks: is it working?
European Homeland Security
Another big story investigated by the team covers the emergence of a European ‘Homeland Security’ Industry. It shows how this industry heavily subsidised with taxpayers’ money, influences European and national security policy and creates a demand for security ‘solutions’ that cannot be tested for their effectiveness. The journalists zoom in on two security research programmes of the European Union. Over the past ten years, the European Union has poured nearly €2 billion into advanced security technology research. But who’s reaping the rewards of that investment: the common civilian, or the arms industry?
Surveillance exports of European companies
On the 23rd February, the journalists will publish a revealing investigation into surveillance exports of European companies. In order to prevent dictatorships from abusing European technology to crack down on political opposition, the EU started regulating the export of surveillance technology a few years ago.
The participating journalists:
Dimitri Tokmetzis, Maaike Goslinga, Leon de Korte (De Correspondent, Netherlands), Shuchen Tan, William de Bruijn, Marijntje Denters, Nirit Peled (VPRO Tegenlicht, Netherlands), Christian Bergmann, Josa Maria-Schlegel (ARD, Germany), Christian Fuchs (DIE ZEIT, Germany), Kai Biermann (ZEIT ONLINE, Germany), Lorenzo Bagnoli, Lorenzo Bodrero, Luca Rinaldi (Investigative Reporting Project Italy in collaboration with l’Espresso and Il Fatto Quotidiano, Italy), Craig Shaw (Centre for Investigative Journalism, United Kingdom), Leonard Wallentin, Katarina Lind (Journalism++ in collaboration with Svenska Dagbladet, Sweden), Kristof Clerix (Knack, Belgium), Sebastian Gjerding, Lasse Skou Andersen (Dagbladet Information, Denmark), Guillaume Pitron (freelancer in collaboration with Le Monde Diplomatique, France), Hanna Nikkanen, Johanna Vehkoo (Long Play, Finland), and Olaf Meuwese (volunteer and data expert, Netherlands).
- Europa’s zuidgrens ligt niet meer aan de Middellandse Zee, maar midden in Afrika (Dutch) - De Correspondent, 19 February 2017
- Geheimdienste profitieren von ziviler EU-Forschungsförderung (German) - ARD Fakt, 21 February 2017
- Hoe geheime diensten zoals de Mossad en de NSA van Europees onderzoeksgeld profiteren (Dutch) - De Correspondent, 21 February 2017
- Achter de schermen: zo onderzochten we de veiligheidsindustrie met 22 journalisten uit 10 landen(Dutch) - De Correspondent, 22 February 2017
- Als de wapenlobby het vraagt, komt de Eurocommissaris opdraven (Dutch)- De Correspondent, 22 February 2017
- De veiligheidsindustrie profiteert het meest van het Europese onderzoeksgeld (Dutch) - Knack, 22 February 2017
- Deze technologieën moeten uw leven veiliger maken(Dutch) - Knack, 22 February 2017
- EU finanziert Überwachungstechnik für den BND (German) - Zeit Online, 22 February 2017
- EU-forskningsstøtte forgylder våbenindustrien (Danish) - Dagbladet Information, 22 February 2017
- How billions vanish into the black hole that is the security industry (English) - De Correspondent, 22 February 2017
- 'Is het ethisch dat KU Leuven heeft samengewerkt met wapenproducenten?' (Dutch) - Radio 1 (BE), 22 February 2017
- Migrants, Schengen, terrorisme : comment le complexe militaro-industriel européen prospère sur la peur (French) - Basta Mag, 22 February 2017
- Security for Sale: de miljarden waar niemand naar omkijkt (Dutch) - Knack, 22 February 2017
- Security for Sale: The price we pay to protect Europeans (English) - De Correspondent, 22 February 2017
- Security for Sale: waar zijn de miljarden van het Europees veiligheidsonderzoek naartoe? (Dutch) - Knack, 22 February 2017
- Sikkerhed til salg (Danish) - Dagbladet Information, 22 February 2017
- Ue, 3 miliardi per ricerca sulla sicurezza: molti prototipi, pochi progetti realizzati. “Funzionale all’industria, non ai cittadini” (Italian) - Investigative Reporting Project Italy, 22 February 2017
- Welcome to Superfortress Europe (English) - De Correspondent, 22 February 2017
- Zo verdwijnen miljarden in het zwarte gat van de veiligheidsindustrie (Dutch) - De Correspondent, 22 February 2017
- 800,000 Euros for a Terror Air Bag that Never Got Made (English) - Zeit Online,& 23 February 2017
- 800.000 Euro für einen Terror-Airbag, der nie fertig wurde (German) - Zeit Online, 23 February 2017
- Dit bedrijf laat dictators mobiele telefoons afluisteren. Hoe kan dat? (Dutch) - De Correspondent, 23 February 2017
- Europa eksporterer spionteknologi til diktaturstater i stor stil(Danish) - Dagbladet Information, 23 February 2017
- Europa exporteert surveillance-technologie naar onvrije landen (Dutch) - Knack, 23 February 2017
- Hoe onze spionagetechnologie in verkeerde handen valt (Dutch) - De Correspondent, 23 February 2017
- How European spy technology falls into the wrong hands (English) - De Correspondent, 23 February 2017
- Kritiserad export fortsätter – trots EU-beslut (Swedish) - Svenska Dagbladet, 23 February 2017
- Privacycommissie wil big data aan regels onderwerpen (Dutch) - Knack, 23 February 2017
- Suomi vie urkintavälineitä Persianlahden maihin – EU:n vientivalvonta vuotaa (Finnish) - Long Play, 23 February 2017
- Telegigant sælger mobilovervågning til diktaturstater (Danish) - Dagbladet Infomation, 23 February 2017
- The surveillance industry still sells to repressive regimes. Here’s what Europe can do about it (English) - De Correspondent, 23 February 2017
- Waarom de EU-regels voor spionagetools (nog) niet werken (Dutch) - De Correspondent, 23 February 2017
- Zo brachten we de export van surveillanceproducten in kaart (Dutch) - De Correspondent, 23 February 2017
- Alberto troede, at han var med til at gøre verden til et bedre sted. I dag siger han, at han nok var lidt naiv (Danish) - Dagbladet Information, 24 February 2017
- Een aanval uit de ruimte? Zelfs daar hebben deze angstmakelaars een technologie voor (Dutch) - De Correspondent, 24 February 2017
- Europas Exportkontrollen für digitale Waffen versagen (German) - Zeit Online, 24 February 2017
- 'Technologie kan niét alle veiligheidsproblemen oplossen' (Dutch) - Knack, 24 February 2017
- Behind the scenes at Security for Sale: how we worked with 22 journalists in 11 countries (English) - De Correspondent, 25 February 2017
- EU-politikere: Regler for overvågningseksport må strammes (Danish) - Dagbladet Information, 25 February 2017
- Angreb fra rummet: Våbenindustrien forfører politikere med spekulative skrækscenarier (Danish) - Dagbladet Information, 27 February 2017
- Deze huurling maakte onderdrukking mogelijk. Nu heeft hij spijt (Dutch) - De Correspondent, 27 February 2017
- De burgemeester van de grote stad wordt politieagent en rechter tegelijk (Dutch) - De Correspondent, 3 March 2017
- Israël exporteert niet alleen wapens, maar ook angst (Dutch) - De Correspondent, 5 March 2017
- Dansk overvågningssoftware udviklet for skattekroner opkøbt af firma i diktaturstat (Danish) - Dagbladet Information, 6 March 2017
- Il grande mercato delle frontiere europee (Italian) - Il Fatto Quotidiano, 6> March 2017
- Kritikere: Salg af dansk overvågningssoftware til Dubai er ’meget bekymrende’ (Danish) - Dagbladet Information, 6 March 2017
- Europa's buitengrenzen - De zuidelijke Europese grens ligt nu in Afrika - Check-point - (VRT)- 29 June 2017
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