Founded in 2021, the Climate Journalism Network Germany (Netzwerk Klimajournalismus Deutschland) connects and educates journalists throughout the German-speaking media landscape to promote science-based, investigative climate reporting.
For two years, a core team of around 25 volunteers has organised digital and local networking meetings and facilitated industry exchange. This was achieved through monthly network calls, establishing a Slack channel for nationwide networking with 500 registrations, and participation in industry conferences. We continuously advocate for climate standards in the industry and give corresponding impulses at conference panels and in media appearances. Since 2023, we are a registered association.
Our work aims to enhance and facilitate interdepartmental and fact-based investigative climate reporting in Europe, which informs and educates the public on the climate crisis. We see the education of journalists and the forming of journalistic networks as vital for enabling scientifically grounded environmental journalism that creates more acceptance of climate policies among the broader public.
Through its work, the network creates social awareness of the extent of the climate crisis and thus contributes to climate protection and adaptation to global warming.