Will Fitzgibbon is the Global Partnerships Coordinator at The Examination. He is also a mentor for Journalismfund.

Will Fitzgibbon was a senior ICIJ reporter and ICIJ's Africa and Middle East partnership coordinator frpù 2014 to January 2023.

Will coordinated the Fatal Extraction investigation that examined the impact of Australian mining companies in Africa. It was, at the time, one of the largest pan-African collaborations of journalists. Will has reported on ICIJ projects, including West Africa Leaks, Pandora Papers, Paradise Papers and Panama Papers. He coordinates ICIJ's partnerships with journalists in Africa and the Middle East.

Before coming to Washington, he worked at The Bureau of Investigative Journalism (TBIJ) in London where his work on politics, the finance industry and housing appeared in The Guardian and The Observer. He studied at the London School of Economics, Sciences-Po Paris and The Australian National University.

Will Fitzgibbon

Basic information

Will Fitzgibbon
Africa, Middle East, finance, housing, politics
United States
Washington DC

Mentor for

How China's appetite for peanuts slams Senegal's own arachis oil industry

  • Agriculture
  • Economy
  • Industry

PARIS - DAKAR - During the last decade, Chinese appetite makes peanuts the new “gold” in Senegal. The two countries signed an agreement in 2014, and now China becomes the leading import country of Senegal's peanuts. 

How multinational tech companies exploit tax laws and shift profit: a focus on Ghana and Nigeria

  • Tax evasion
  • Technology

ACCRA, LAGOS - This story identifies the lapses in the current tax systems and how Ghana and Nigeria are dealing with profit shifting and tax avoidance. It exposes how major tech companies, Facebook and Google, use tax havens to avoid payment of taxes in Nigeria and Ghana, depriving these countries of revenue which could be invested in many deprived areas.

The Lithium Diaries

  • Environment
  • Exploitation

MANONO - In recent years global demand for lithium has grown at the fastest pace among all of the world’s major minerals according to the International Energy Association (IEA). A rush to explore for and mine the mineral is taking place worldwide. Communities, the environment and associated livelihoods around the world are being put at risk by mining enterprises looking for lithium.