Romy van der Burgh is a Dutch freelance journalist with a background in (political) philosophy.

She is based in the Netherlands and wrote for De Groene Amsterdammer about pollution in the farmer sector and genderbias in medical research for OneWorld. For Investico - an independent platform for investigative journalism - she wrote about tax avoidance by dutch flower farms in Kenya.

Romy van der Burgh

Basic information

Romy van der Burgh
pollution, gender, tax avoidance

Supported projects

Illegal South Sudanese teak becomes European garden furniture in India

  • Corruption
  • Environment
  • Trafficking

Illegally logged teak from South Sudan goes to India where it is made into furniture before it could end up in stores in Europe. Indian timber traders illegally source the timber from East Africa and export it as an 'Indian' product after processing.

Dutch flower farms avoid paying tax in Kenya

  • Agriculture
  • Tax evasion

AMSTERDAM, NAIROBI - Dutch flower growers in Kenya avoid corporate taxation, using transfer pricing and offshore constructions. The loss of tax revenue due to these practices is substantial and has large consequences for Kenyan society.