Mašenjka Bačić is a freelance journalist covering geopolitics in the Balkans for media outlets in Croatia and abroad.

Mašenjka is working for Croatian investigative portal Oštro. Her articles have been published on Balkan Insight, Euronews and The Guardian. Mašenjka was also part of the global Pandora Papers investigation.

She is coauthor of the book Gazda: Početak which talks of privatisation in Croatia after the fall of Yugoslavia.

Mašenjka holds a degree in sociology and has been working as a journalist since 2007.

Basic information

Mašenjka Bačić
Balkans, politics, migration

Supported projects

Stranded: Impact of Asbestos in Maritime Industry

  • Environment
  • Healthcare
  • Industry

ALIAĞA – Asbestos, that is especially hard to track in ships, often causes lung cancer, mesothelioma and asbestosis. The team investigated several shipbreaking yards, including Kılıçlar in Turkey, where workers are exposed to the deadly substance without adequate protection. 

asbestos in ships

The bottleneck of the Balkan route

  • Human Rights
  • Justice
  • Migration

BIHAC - Western Bosnia and Herzegovina is a bottleneck for migrants and refugees who are fleeing across the Balkans. Many of them are caught en route to Northern or Western Europe on Slovenian territory, from where they are being systematically handed over to Croatian authorities in the last year. In Croatia, they are often exposed to police violence. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, where they finally end up, they are condemned to an interminable wait.

A migrant from Afghanistan in the camp Bira in Bihać, Bosnia and Herzegovina