Maik Baumgärtner is a German journalist and author based in Berlin.

He works as a freelance investigative journalist for newspapers, magazines and broadcasters such as The National (Abu Dhabi), Der Standard (Austria), Spiegel Online (Germany) and Deutschlandradio (Germany). Baumgärtner specialises in right-wing extremism, racism, discrimination and anti-democratic movements.

Basic information

Maik Baumgärtner
Extremism, populism, racism, discrimination

Supported projects

Human Trafficking, the Modern-Day Slave Trade

  • Human Rights
  • Trafficking

STOCKHOLM - They offer us a moment of pampering; a manicure, pedicure or perhaps a well-needed massage. They make sure Friday nights are free from cooking thanks to a myriad of cheap Asian take-aways. They even provide sexual relief for tens of thousands of European husbands – yet we’re constantly shocked to learn of their existence. Human trafficking victims are everywhere.