Francesca Cicculli is an Italian investigative journalist based in Rome. 

At the present, she collaborates with IrpiMedia, an independent and non-profit organization of transnational investigative journalism.

Her fieldwork focuses mainly on environmental and energy issues, and on greenwashing projects in Italy and Europe. In the past, she has dealt with migration, social inclusion and the right to housing.

She is the editorial director of Megabit-Cose da grandi, a narrative journalism project for young boys and girls.

Basic information

Francesca Cicculli
Environment, migration, social

Supported projects

The True Cost of Kiwis

LAZIO - The team has been investigating The Green Gold of Italy, or Kiwi Revolution as it is known locally, since April 2022. The Lazio region of Italy has become the world's largest producer of kiwis in the past years. But glitter doesn't always mean gold.