Eva von Schaper is a German-American journalist covering health, science and the pharmaceutical industry. She has covered scientific research, environmental issues and the business of how drugs are invented and sold.

In 2020, together with Daiva Repečkaitė, she received a Journalismfund.eu's grant to look into vaccine hesitancy around Europe for the “Antivaxxers between fake news and personal concerns” project”;  the seed of the current project, The Inoculation

Basic information

Eva von Schaper
Health, science and the pharmaceutical industry

Supported projects

Antivaxxers between fake news and personal concerns

  • Healthcare

As an investigative team of journalists watched the pandemic unfold in early 2020, their plans for reporting in 15 European countries were scuttled. But they began to see patterns in covid-denialism that mimicked what they had seen with anti-vaxxers. They decided to expand their project to include investigative data journalism to map this new movement.