Charlotte Aagaard is an award-winning war reporter who is writing for Denmarks largest investigative media Danwatch.

At present, she is senior reporter at Danwatch, Denmarks largest investigative media, which investigates business and human rights. 

She has a 30 year+ career as a foreign affairs correspondent, war reporter and editor at the Danish daily Information and has authored and coauthored a number of books, among them "Frontlinjer" about the Danish media coverage of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and "I Nationens Tjeneste" about the role of the Danish intelligence service in the Iraq war.

In 2021 she was awarded the Anders Bording journalism award, in 2020 the Danish Award for Outstanding Investigative Journalism ( FUJ), in  in 2012 she received the Journalist Fellowship at University of Southern Denmark and in 2003 Denmark most prestigious award the Cavling prize. During her career she has also been nominated and shortlisted for a number of other awards, among them Amnesty Internationals Media Prize 2022.

Charlotte Aagaard

Basic information

Charlotte Aagaard
War reporter
Business and human rights, Middle East, International law, defense and security

Supported projects

The True Cost of Kiwis

LAZIO - The team has been investigating The Green Gold of Italy, or Kiwi Revolution as it is known locally, since April 2022. The Lazio region of Italy has become the world's largest producer of kiwis in the past years. But glitter doesn't always mean gold.