Ariane Lavrilleux is an investigative and independent radio journalist based in France.

After spending five years as a Middle-East reporter in Cairo (Egypt), she worked on Egypt Papers investigation published in 2021 by Disclose. Her in-depth reports focuses on arms deals, human rights abuses and environmental violations. She is also cofounder and representative of NGO Prenons la Une, for gender equality in newsrooms and diversity in the news. 

Ariane Lavrilleux

Basic information

Ariane Lavrilleux
Radio journalist
Focusing on social changes, human rights and arms deals

Supported projects

ArcelorMittal carcinogenic pollution

FOS-SUR-MER - The world’s steel leader ArcelorMittal has exceeded several pollution limits authorized by European, Italian and French law for a decade. Meanwhile, the multinationale headquartered in Luxembourg has received billions euros of public funds and indirect subsidies.

Arcelormittal Carcinogenic pollution

SOS Chrétiens d’Orient in Syria: The far-right French NGO supporting Bashar al-Assad

  • Armed conflict
  • Politics
  • Religion

French humanitarian NGO SOS Chrétiens d’Orient (SOSCO) claims to support persecuted Christians in Syria and the wider Middle East without interfering in conflicts or local politics. But in reality, the seven-year-old NGO—which was founded by far-right, conservative, Catholic activists— thinly veils its agenda to amplify Syrian president Bashar al-Assad’s propaganda and push for a normalisation of diplomatic relationships between Damascus and EU countries.