Alfredo Bosco is a documentary photographer focused on social issues and geopolitical crisis.

He specialises in stories on criminality, conflicts and human rights.  He received renowned awards including the Visa d’Or Humanitarie ICRC, The Special Prize for Humanitarian Photography at the Andrei Stenin contest and best portfolio Premio Voglino.  

In 2022 Alfredo received the “Antonio Russo” journalism awards as best war photographer of the year for his coverage of the conflict in Ukraine. During the first two years of the conflict in Ukraine he was tv correspondent for the broadcasting channel “La7”.

He collaborates with Il Millimetro as writer and his articles are published also on Il Fatto Quotidiano.

Alfredo Bosco

Basic information

Alfredo Bosco
social issues, geopolitics

Supported projects

Methane's Great Escape

  • Energy
  • Environment

KATOWICE – This investigation looks at challenges and solutions of methane emissions reduction in Europe. Is it feasible, for example, to replace coking coal, a critical yet hard-to-replace resource for the steel industry?