
ONLINE - The Global Investigative Journalism Conference 2021 took place from 1 to 5 November, and Journalismfund.eu presented in one session.

Our managing director, Ides Debruyne, participated as a panelist in the session called "How to fund your investigation". He shared the panel with groundbreaking media donors from Australia, Europe, India, and the US to tell journalists what philanthropic organizations are looking for and how to navigate the sometimes arcane world of grants and donations. 

With 1,665 attendees from a record 144 countries — and after 80 panels, workshops, and networking sessions — this year’s Global Investigative Journalism Conference (#GIJC21) closed Nov. 5 with renewed resolve for watchdog reporting around the world, and an invitation for global muckrakers to meet in-person next year in Sydney, Australia.

John Bones

The warm Norwegian everyone melted for, has passed away


TRONDHEIM / BRUSSELS - Today is a sad day. Mr. Bones, John Bones (1954-2024), the CEO of Norway's SKUP (one of Europe's oldest Foundation for a Critical and Investigative Press), is no more.