is an independent Macedonian news agency established in November 2014.

It produces and distributes original information, news, comments and analyses in Macedonian, English, Albanian and Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian languages. is also a reliable source of information about North Macedonia to the world, and has high reputation in the country and the region, while it's English language coverage made it a key source of news for the members of international community interested in North Macedonia and the Balkans, indicated, among other, by the fact that its content has been shared on social media by relevant EU commissioners, ambassadors of EU and NATO countries etc. serves as a nonprofit source of information for online media outlets in North Macedonia, as well as and traditional media – newspapers, TV stations, radio stations, agencies, institutions and companies.

The dissemination of content is facilitated by using Creative Commons licenses, enabling the users to freely republish, share and edit the contents under condition to reference the source. This ensures that several dozens of other online media in the country republish the news and watchdog products by, functioning as a nexus of non-profit syndication network for Macedonian media.

At the same time provides infrastructure as a content hub for dissemination of Anti disinformation contents from the region under auspices of the Western Balkans Anti-Disinformation Hub, republishing articles by partners from six countries in local languages.

Basic information

North Macedonia

Supported projects

How Disinformation Rules Waste Management in Western Balkans

  • Energy
  • Environment

SVETI NICOLE / ELBASAN – Could a waste management facility become New Chernobyl? Some people in North Macedonia are eager to believe this. This investigation looked into facts and disinformation surrounding waste management project in Western Balkans.