The Fundacja „Naprzód” (Forward Foundation) was created in April 2016, with the main aim of creating an area of dialogue amongst different sections of the Polish left.

We would that the voice of those to the left of social democracy is heard during the discussions about the future of the left.

We will concentrate our activities on popularising the ideas of socialism and democracy in the fight against neo-liberalism, militarism, racism, patriarchy and homophobia. Our activities will also involve political activity and research.  We have a long-term aim of building a strong organisation which can support and advise the socialist left in Poland.

At a national level we are not connected to any political party. We are interested in cooperating with the different sections of the radical left that are operating within existing political parties, non-government organisation and informal groups.

We place a great emphasis on our international cooperation and we aim to coordinate our initiatives with those of our international partners. The Forward Foundation is a member of Transform! European network for alternative thinking and political dialogue. At a European level we identify most strongly politically with the European Party of the Left.

Fundacja „Naprzód”

Basic information

Fundacja „Naprzód”

Supported projects

The Turów Case: Lost Opportunity for a Just Energy Transition

  • Environment
  • Social affairs

PRAGUE - The series of investigative reports deals with the story of the Czech-Polish conflict about the future of the Turów mine in the border region of both countries, put in a wider historical and social context.

📷 Petr Vodička